If you’re currently waiting for the right time to do something, no matter what it is, this is for you. I’m going to share with you guys how I got my house in order and my dreams for my family in motion.

For the past 3 years I’ve desired to implement a daily learning routine with fun activities for my kids. ⁣Every now and then I would muster up the faith to start. Then once things got tough I would allow myself to be convinced that I just needed to wait a little while longer. ⁣

Wait until I’m able to keep Hannah engaged while working with Elisha. ⁣

Wait until Becky is no longer interested in eating crayons 🖍 and destroying flashcards. ⁣

Wait until I can better manage the kids, cooking, cleaning, and blogging. ⁣🤪

Now pay close attention to what I am about to say. There will ALWAYS be a reason why you should wait! And the devil is good at convincing you of this. The reality is, our circumstances are not the reason we can’t get our goals accomplished. It’s because we don’t THINK we are capable of doing it! ⁣

I was so focused on what wasn’t working that I couldn’t see all the potential and progress. Guys growth is not about perfection it’s about progress! ⁣I used to pray for God to give me the blue print, and then I discovered that the blue print is in the journey. ⁣

As reality set in that my son was now preschool age. I realized that my routine was not meeting my children’s educational needs and that it was time to get my house in order. (It’s never to late friend.) So in that moment I declared no more waiting! My children are MY ministry! God called me and he equipped me!⁣

The same is true for you mama. ⁣The devil knows you & your seeds have the power to crush his head. Genesis 3:15 Don’t let him play you!⁣

I still have to pry chewed crayons 🖍 out of Becky’s hands from time to time. But each and every day I see progress and my vision for our children manifesting. ⁣😊

Keep pushing mama, God’s grace is sufficient for you & his mercies are new every day. Your current struggle, whatever it may be, is a beautiful victory in the making. God specifically called you because you are the perfect person for the job.🤍⁣

Posted by:Mrs.Egenti

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